The world is in desperate need of a meaningful and transformative global paradigm shift. What it needs more than anything is the rediscovery of Emunah, the concept of oneness. The world would be much better off if we all had a greater reconnection with our inner selves, source, and divine essence. It is only by reconnecting with our true selves that we can see things as they truly are and awaken to our authentic self. The realization of Emunah is therefore not just an end goal or even an ultimate goal but rather a necessary first step towards awakening to our true nature.
In this article, Rabbi Shmuel Waldman will share more about Emunah and its importance.

What Is Emunah?
Emunah is the concept of oneness of all creation, the oneness of the physical and the non-physical, the oneness of all sentient beings, and the oneness of all souls.
“Emunah is the recognition of the fact that we are all connected, that we are all part of the same divine whole, and that none of us are truly alone. Emunah is the concept that we are all spiritual beings expressing as physical beings, and thus it directly addresses the human experience of being alive as a biological organism,” says Shmuel Waldman.
Emunah is the concept that we are all trapped in a limited 3-Dimensional reality for a reason and that there is a higher Consciousness that we can all reconnect with that gives us the power to break free of this 3-Dimensional prison. Emunah is the concept of infinite potential that is within each and every individual and that is only waiting to be tapped into.
The Need for Emunah in the World Today
“The world is in desperate need of meaningful, transformational paradigm shifts. We are at a pivotal point in human history that is similar to the turning points in human development such as the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution. The world needs a paradigm shift that can truly deliver on the potential of the human species. The world needs a paradigm shift that can truly bring forth True Human Potential. The world needs a paradigm shift that can truly bring a New Age. The world needs a paradigm shift that can truly bring an age of Emunah. We are in a time when the old paradigms are wearing out and the need for a paradigm shift is great. We are in a time when people are tired of the old paradigms and are desperately looking for something more. We are in a time when people are searching for more meaning and purpose in their lives. We are in a time when people are searching for the Truth and are looking for a way to reconnect with their true selves,” indicates Rabbi Shmuel Waldman who has been religious educator for more than three decades.
Why Is Emunah Important?
The realization of Emunah is not just an end goal or even an ultimate goal. It is a necessary first step towards an awakening to our true nature.
Finding Your True Identity in Times of Change
“Human beings are constantly searching for their true identities, for the identity that is real and that is genuine. We want to know who we are and where we fit in the greater scheme of things. This search is a necessary and important part of being human. However, as we grow and mature we realize that this need for identity can turn into a need for material things, a need for power, or a need to have someone, or something, to be in charge of. This is a sign of the low state of consciousness that we are in. This is a sign that we need to deepen our exploration of ourselves and who we truly are. In times of change we need to be the change we want to see in the world. We need to be the transformational agents for the good in the world. We need to be the ones who show up as whole, authentic, and complete beings” says Shmuel Waldman, author of the book Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Convincing Evidence to the Truths of Judaism.
Emunah is the concept of oneness of all creation, the oneness of the physical and the non-physical, the oneness of all sentient beings, and the oneness of all souls. Emunah is the recognition of the fact that we are all connected, that we are all part of the same divine whole, and that none of us are truly alone. Emunah is the concept that we are all trapped in a limited 3-Dimensional reality for a reason and that there is a higher Consciousness that we can all reconnect with that gives us the power to break free of this 3-Dimensional prison. Emunah is the concept of infinite potential that is within each and every individual and that is only waiting to be tapped into.
For more articles like this, visit the Waldman’s blog The Wonder’s of Creation.